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Here 9hdwallpaper is with Funny baby pictures and latest funny baby picture download free for you mobile to share on facebook and whatsapp. A baby or child is the primary body of man. The baby is a baby aged hours or days or even a few weeks of birth.

In the medical field the word born refers to the baby during the eight first twenty days of age (from birth to 4 weeks later, less than a month old).  The term “Baby or Newbord” includes premature infants and children late premature children full time.

Origin of the word baby in the Arabic language is through breastfeeding and lactation in the sense sucking milk from the breast.It can extend breastfeeding from birth to 24 months. We are with stylish and very Funny baby pictures and Kids for you social account like facebook, twitter and whatsapp.

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Filled the intestinal tract of the newborn babies, which of course did not use before, textured sticky black-green called meconium. This helps the intestine development phase to enable them to digest and process the milk soon after birth.

Car Repairing baby funny picutres The child is going through this stage in the early days of the old. The word “newborn” includes premature infants , babies Postmaster (from 1 week to 9 months) and new-born baby is full.

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